Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Why Your Reputation Matters
In an effort to maximize the reputation of your business, your online popularity and reputation matters. It is vital to the health of your business. With the massive and ever-developing Internet obsessing and searching online to assess businesses, derogatory remarks, and opinions about your business, it can gravely affect your marketing goals both positively and…
5 Rules for Negotiating Like a Pro
Negotiating like a pro can be a challenge, but there are ways to create win-win results. By understanding the pitfalls and what to avoid, the five easy rules below can help resolve disputes and negotiate like a pro. Keep in mind that all is takes is focusing on the goal, keep your emotions at bay,…
9 Ways to Increase Web Traffic
While there are a variety of ideas to increase web traffic to your website, below are some easy and affordable ways to provide value, and keep the same people coming back. Once you have an online website and presence, the next step is making sure customers and prospects can find you during their search. 9…
Benefits of Online Reputation Management
What is online reputation management and development? Online Reputation Management & Development “85% of Consumers Trust Online Reviews as Much as Personal Recommendations.” Source: Bright Local 2017 Nowadays, many businesses Online reputation management and development is the control over the reputation of an individual, companies, brand name. This is related to the Internet, social media, online…
16 Tips to Increase Organic Sales Traffic
Entrepreneurs who run е-соmmеrсе ѕіtеѕ face a grеаt challenge whеn іt соmеѕ to іnсrеаѕіng organic sales traffic tо thеіr business using ѕtrаtеgіс SEO tасtісѕ. Inіtіаllу, search еngіnе орtіmіzаtіоn mау ѕееm рlаіn, gооd аnd еаѕу. But іn reality, there are thоuѕаndѕ of interconnecting things that nееd to be оbѕеrvеd and handled іn order tо ѕее concrete…
Affordable Online Sales Strategies That Work
A business can only progress if it has the right kind of attention and sales strategies that work. Attention in today’s marketplace means finding the right triggers to make your brand stand out. The internet has now become the largest marketplace in the world with giant e-shops, like Amazon, eBay, and others dominating eCommerce. If…
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